Friday, July 31, 2009

casual friday

On the road again.... potentially.
To be honest, I don't want to go any where this weekend.
I want to stay home.

I'm craving Arby's like it's going to be discontinued tomorrow.

Our town is now the proud owners of a Sonic

If I don't go anywhere I'm going to the fair for one reason. food.

I'm so glad it's Friday for one reason. payday.

In the last 2 night, 2 babies were born.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shouldn't I know better

then to stay out really really late at the Bar on a WEEK NIGHT!

I thought I got all of that out during college?

Apparently not.

Let's just say it was a late night.

I may or may not have left the bar until 3:30 am....

However, it was business.... "Pre-game Coaches Meeting"

The actual Coaches Meeting will be held later this evening.

I may or may not be in attendance.

that's all I'm sayin

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 things

that make me happy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nice while it lasted

Last week and yesterday the owner's, boss man and the entire family have been gone.

It was a nice break to not have them call me 59 times out of the 62 calls a day I get here at work.

Today they are back.

Today this morning they have called at least 10 times.

It was a nice break while it lasted.

All good things must come to an end.... Unfortunately

Monday, July 27, 2009


I really don't know where to start. If you don't like reading about people who love their animals an un godly amount, then stop here. If you have a soft heart and your animals are just animals but your family and friends, then read on. You may be able to understand....

Friday sometime Lucky went outside, and I thought he came back in.
I realized in the middle of the night, he wasn't in the house.
I opened the door and called and called for him.
No reply. I thought he was holed up under the back porch like he often does when he is outside.

I figured I see him in the morning for breakfast.
When I didn't see him, I thought, it's okay I'll see him for dinner. He will get hungry and come home.

Then slowly doubt started to creep in.

I never saw him Saturday. I was constantly outside searching for him, calling for him. Trying to lure him out of his hiding spot with food.

Deep down I thought, something must have got him.
But I still held out hope that he would come home on Sunday.

Sunday morning nothing. No lucky kitty.
Sunday night, still nothing.
After asking around if anyone had seen him, and all the answer's were no.

Finally I said he's gone. Something must have got him.

Still this morning when I got up, I couldn't help but hurry to the back door to see if he had come home.
I wanted to so bad to see him sitting at the door looking up at me with his blue eyes.
But he wasn't there.

I feel so bad, knowing that he was scared and more then likely in pain. And I feel horrible knowing he was probably at the door at some point in time, meowing hoping I would hear him and let him in the house.

For those of you that think he is just a cat, it's not that big of a deal.
You don't understand.

Lucky was a comfort to me. At the beginning and end of each day I knew with out a doubt he would always be happy to see me. He would always come sit on the couch with me.

He would always come to me to rub behind his ears.

Now he is gone and I'm unbelievably sad. My house really isn't the same without him. I miss his big fluffy tail and big blue eyes. I'm glad however, that we found him when we did and that he did have a good life. He was just a cat, but he was my cat and I loved him.

Good bye Lucky.

Rainy Days

Sunday I went to go ride my horse. But unfortunately the weather had other plans.
By the time I got there it was pouring rain outside.
So I spent my Sunday evening in my truck watching the rain.
I have to say however, this is better then being home.


Try to keep up okay. I'm going to bring you all up to date on the recent happenings that is my
messy, bloody Isle 12 life okay?

Thursday, I worked, it sucked.
After work I went home, it sucked more.
After home I went to ride my horse, this made me smile.
After I rode my horse I did the following. (this made me smile more)

I didn't participate in this myself, that water was dang cold.
But I deemed myself the appropriate person to video this event.

These girls make me smile

Thursday, July 23, 2009

When I'm Up

He is down.

All the time. It's a never ending cycle.

If we were to ever get on the same page I think the world would end. (don't worry, I don't foresee this happening ever.)

Also, I tried to pry the truth out, it's like banging your head against a brick wall that has nails protruding everywhere.

Everything by now is a bloody mess.

Clean up on isle 12.

Isle 12 being my life.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lets call this Wedding Wednesday shall we?

Warning: Large amounts of blue to follow.

I love when people use all different shades of one color.

Nice combo of lighter shades of blue.

Lovely use of Blue and Copper.

Just another example that this rocks.

love the buckets

Simple details.

Good enough to eat

So my Sister is getting Married

And she is HORRIBLE at planning. Yes I said it.... HORRIBLE.
All I have gotten out of the girl is the wedding is in July next summer and they want to use the color blue....Great Start right?

Her next question was... "So you'll help me right?"
To which I said, "Sure"

So with all the information and ideas I've been given. I'm starting with the flowers.
Mainly Centerpieces. Here are a few that caught my eye.

I like the smaller square vases.
I was thinking this would be cute with blue hydrangea's and white roses.
White roses like these. The height of this centerpiece is just right
And really, who doesn't like roses?
This is really cute and simple.
If there was a small cluster of blue hydrangea's this could be a winner.

Exactly what I had in mind. Just add some white roses.
This is my personal favorite.
I was thinking we should save all cans you know from canned foods such as corn, green beans, etc.
Anyways, we could paint the cans a cream, or even a blue.
Then we would cover them with ribbon, much like you see to your left.
Or cover them with cinnamon sticks and tie a pretty blue bow around it.
I think this would be fairly easy, and extremely easy on the old bank account.

Guilty Pleasures?

I have one.... well to be honest I have more then one, I have lots of them.

But the one I'm talking about isn't anything bad, or dirty, or gross.

It's just on TV.

It's Tori and Dean Home Sweet Hollywood. And I love the show, and I love the relationship they have. I just love them.

and i don't care who knows it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i only have one wish.
i wish i could fly.
for if i got my one wish
i would leave this all behind.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Recap: A Vacation?

What a weekend.
Friday Morning I woke up at 4:00 am to drive 3 hours to Billings.
As soon as we got there, the 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Tournament started.
The girls did great! At the end of the day they were all so tired.
They took second, and all went home with silver medals and their Big Sky shirts!

These are the jersey's in all their glory.
On the back is their number and name.
I have to say, they looked pretty sharp in their matching shirts and socks!

I ended the night with a wonderful dinner! We found a little Pizzeria that served pizza the way it was meant to be served. Greasy, and delicious! Oh yes, it was delicious!

Saturday was a pretty low key day. I didn't have anything planned besides of course buying those shoes I've mentioned several times.
We spent the day walking around the mall (where I satisfied my new shoe addiction)
Then we wandered over to Cabela's.
I've never been to a Cabela's before so I didn't know what to expect.
As soon as I walked in the doors, my mouth dropped.
WHY? The mounts, that's why!
I was subjected to some of the biggest deer ever.

This Monster Muley Buck scored 302.

Sunday I played volleyball all day.
I can't say our team did as good as we would have liked, but we had fun.
Today I'm sore as all get out, and I'm sporting some sweet blisters from those new shoes I had to have. But all in all it was a great weekend vacation!

Why was it a vacation?
I got out of the house, I didn't have to make dinner.
I got to buy shoes, and I got to play volleyball.
Oh, and I also saw palm trees! Yes in deed this was a vacation.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My thoughts are like.... WOW

Yesterday was the first day in a week without any rain.

This morning on my way to work, I killed a rattlesnake.
Those things give me the creeps.
It also reminded me I need to mow the lawn, it's getting tall. Making it a place snakes will stretch out to stay cool.

I drank wine after I finished working out, I was thirsty.
Then I drank the whole bottle of wine with dinner. I didn't mean too but it was good.

This weekend I'm going to Billings for the much awaited and anticipated volleyball tournament.
I'm going to buy new shoes while I'm there.

After work, I'm going to ride my horse. I used to enjoy doing that but just don't have the time I would like to do it. I feel bad, my horse probably thinks I hate her. So after work, we are going to get re-acquainted.

My truck it making weird noises when I use the brakes.....
The truck going to the shop isn't in my budget right now.

Everyday I realize I don't have near enough money saved up to cover emergencies.

I have two weeks to decide what to do.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

To be continued...

Life is about choices.
And that doesn't necessarily mean you will always have control over the outcome of your choices.

If you are like me you go through all the choices and the different outcomes.
You can't really be sure what will certainly happen but you can try to prepare.

That being said, I'm not sure of the future outcome at all.
I have a choice.
But whatever I choose, I'm not sure how that will leave me let alone other's.
I'm not sure if either choice holds a "Happy ending".

And that, the unknown, the un answerable..... that is the scariest part.

It's as if your teetering on top of a mountain. Trying to choose which side to fall off.
Either way you choose, you will fall and quite possibly fail.

I don't want to fall or fail.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I don't think this is what they wanted.

Pardon my absence Monday.... I was home sick.
I laid on the couch all day cursing my belly. (Dear Lord, No I'm not pregnant)

I have been reading my Google Analytics, it's somewhat interesting. It basically allows you to track how people find you, or have the misfortune of stumbling across my blog.

Some people out there in the world wide web were looking for something. What, I'm not sure but they were brought here... to my blog.

The top three
1. (lifejacket or lifevest) wedgie Um.... have I written about wedgies here? I'm not sure I'm what they were looking for.
2. boys nudist Oh Lord. When they pulled up my blog I'm sure their immediate thought was "What the Hell?"
3. thunder 2009 Some how I have a feeling they weren't actually searching for weather. I'm afraid they were actually looking for nudist boys with wedgies that may or may not have been from life jackets. That's all I'm sayin.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Slow Summer Friday

I think today is the perfect lazy Friday, work is slow, no weekend plans, it's the slow summer days like these that are awesome. On slow summer days I just hang out, I'm really not a very exciting individual.
So let's just look at some pictures shall we?

This big guy to your left is "lucky" We found him in our chicken coop as a kitten, poor baby was so skinny. He was lucky we found him.

Our other feline friend to the right is "little girl" I found her at the local school. Poor old thing the kids at the school weren't very nice to her and she often had rocks thrown at her. But now I have her and she has a much better life.

Rest assured these two rescue kitty's are now spoiled rotten! I can't help it.... they had a rough life before we found them, and I think they deserve to be spoiled.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

May Showers in July

Yesterday once again around 4:15 the skies opened up and poured more rain on us.

It's great I haven't had to water my flower's for days.
They are very well hydrated at the moment.
From outer space I'm sure our yard looks like a bright green beacon.

I use the extra time to whip up something really special for dinner. Like Hamburger Helper. Okay I'm kidding. (Okay I'm not kidding, I really used the extra time to catch up on my DVR)

The weather is calling for more rain today.
At this point, I'm ready for some sunshine.

But you know what all this rain means?
Well you know what they say?

"May showers bring May flowers."

But only in July of course.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

When it rains, it pours.... and hails.

Yesterday afternoon around 4:22 the skies started to get dark and cloudy.
In the distance you heard the occasional rumble.

Then on my drive home from work the radio said "Severe Thunderstorm warning, winds of 40 mph, hail the size of quarters. This is a dangerous storm, if you are outside please seek shelter and stay away from the windows."

I love the rain, I love thunderstorms. It's so violent and beautiful at the same time.

As I'm driving home the rain begins, it's just a sprinkle at first.
Then it begins to really pour you know the pour where you have your windshield wipers on high and you still have to squint and tilt your head to the side and turn the radio down, just so you can see the road? Yeah it was like that.

When I got home, it let up for a minute.
I took that time to jump out of my truck un-tie the dog and run for the porch.


This was a pretty intense storm and loud. Very loud. I should know because I was watching the entire thing. Sitting and watching storms is very calming, it's also a good time to eat ice cream, or drink wine.

I couldn't believe the amount of rain we got in such a short time.

I had standing water in my back yard, it was pouring off my roof. The drive way was already full of puddles.

For a storm fanatic like myself this old gal was awesome.

When lightening would hit it would light up the whole sky, this would be followed by a loud crack or a drawn out rumble. Don't believe me?
Watch for yourself.

The loud static noise? That is the rain pouring down on my house.
The building you can see is my chicken house. Luckily all the chickens were inside where they were all safe and sound, and dry.

Finally the clouds broke and the sun peeked through before setting.
Is there really a better way to conclude a Monday night?

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th Recap

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit, I didn't really do anything over my holiday weekend.
Sure I tried out new foods and recipes. But for the majority of the 4th I was home alone.
So I sat on the couch, painted my toes. I sat outside and watched my chickens.

Eventually I wandered inside to get dirty in the kitchen.
(Not that kind of dirty, I said I was home alone!)

Blackberry Cobbler, it was delicious.
It's even better warm with vanilla ice cream on the side.
And an awesome bonus, this was really easy to make.
Give this recipe a try yourself.

The Cream of Corn Casserole dish was also a keeper.
Very good, very rich, very very good.
The only thing, it's kind of a pain in the behind to cut off the kernels from the cob. In the end though this dish it worth all the effort.
Make this for someone you love.
Like it's any surprise, both of these recipes came from The Pioneer Woman.

On a totally un 4th of July related note.

I have been going on and on about all these animals I live with and around and haven't posted a single picture. So let's fix that right now shall we...?

Let's get this party started with the chickens.

The black and white gal trailing behind is Peaches.

The dark red gentlemen is Big Ben. He is the biggest dude.

The lighter red guy is kinda wild and sadly I don't have a name for him. Let's call him Pete.

This little guy is Turbo and he is the smallest dude.
He is the tamest too, I can pick him up, pet him put him on my lap.
Basically this chicken is awesome.
Not present for picture day was Chicken little my other hen and my other rooster. Yes I realize my girl to guy ratio kinda stinks, but such is life.
Hope everyone had an awesome and safe July 4th celebration!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Shopping list

For those who know me, your probably thinking shopping list for myself personally.
If it was that kind of list you also know Shoes would be at the top of the list.
(Don't worry my pretties, I'm saving my money for Billings! Oh yes, I will splurge and I will buy shoes.)

But for today, for this weekend my list is for food.
Boring for some but for me exciting. I love trying out new recipes.

So my plans for the weekend? Trying some new foods and new recipes. And roasting Marshmallows, and laying outside, maybe some fireworks if I have time....


8 ears of Corn
Heavy Cream
Butter (salted)
Chopped Jalapenos
Cream Cheese
Artichoke Hearts
Chocolate Pudding
Cool Whip
Blackberries (4 pints)
Hamburger Buns
Ice Cream (Vanilla)
Chocolate Bars
Graham Crackers

What this will make:
Blackberry Cobbler
Cream of Corn Casserole
New Potato Salad
Tortilla Rolls

I'm outta here until Monday!
Have a great Fourth of July weekend eat plenty, soak in some fun and sun.
Don't catch yourself or any of your loved one's on fire with fireworks!

Goodbye forever.

or you know until Monday.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What will July bring?

July has been creeping closer and closer and I would be lying if I said I wasn't caught off guard.

What does this month bring? A variety of Fair food, volleyball, fireworks, shopping, camping, floating the river, birthday parties, planning, driving, farmer's markets.... the list is endless.

First and most important it's My Dad's birthday today! Happy Birthday Dad, Love you.

Second on the list is Fourth of July.
Don't ask me what my plans are because I have none. That is right I don't have anything planned. I don't know if I should go camping, go to the rodeo, paint my toenails, or just watch my chickens all weekend. I'm undecided as to what I may do this weekend.

I started making a grocery list for all the things I would like to make for the 4th of July (even if I don't go anywhere it's important to celebrate with food)

After this weekend it is all about getting ready for the volleyball tournaments coming up. Oy I hope we get everything done.

Thinking of all the things I need to get done before the month is over is exhausting.